Safe hosting

The safest solution to build and
host your PBN

5 stars 94.7% would recommend EBN to a friend (2024 survey)

Your private blog networks look natural - because they are

1-Click HTTPS Setup

Most SEO hosting companies try to manufacture a natural-looking IP profile by selling you "a diverse range" of IP addresses. But they don't tell you where they're from.

At Easy Blog Networks, we don't hide our hosting providers or DNS providers, because we don't need to.

Your blogs are hosted on big brand providers like Amazon, GoDaddy, Rackspace, and Digital Ocean. You'll be using their IPs, nameservers, and datacenters.

And that means your PBN profile looks completely natural - because it is!

Nameservers dashboard

Hosting providers

Your blogs will be installed on unique IPs on big brand hosting providers. Nameservers are provided directly by the providers and are shared with hundreds of thousands of websites.

See all hosting providers Hosting providers

DNS providers

Some hosts don't provide their own nameservers, and for those servers, we use popular DNS providers that provide the service to tens of thousands of websites.

See all DNS providers DNS providers

Automatically Enabled SSL

Automatically Enabled SSL

Secure website connection (HTTPS) is becoming a requirement, not just a recommendation. But setting it up can be complicated and annoying. That's why on EBN, an SSL certificate is enabled automatically, and our system sets everything up.

A Simple Mailbox for Every Blog


Some PBN hosts do not offer email due to "technical limitations." This creates a footprint, not to mention a big annoyance. Not with Easy Blog Networks. You get a Mailbox and a webmail login with every blog.

Lowest deindexation rates in the industry, verified by third-party case studies

Case study by PBN Fox

Easiest, simplest, and 100% autopilot solution

PBN Fox analyzed 6000 blogs they manage and found that EBN deindexation rate is on par with premium cPanel hosts.

This means you can listen to the "gurus" and use multiple accounts with Hostgator, Bluehost, Dreamhost, and similar hosts and still expect the same deindexation rate as on EBN, just with A LOT more hassle.

You can read the case study on PBN Fox blog »

Easiest, simplest, and 100% autopilot solution
De-indexed case study

Case study by Charles Floate

De-indexed case study

Charles Floate analyzed 165 of his blogs hosted on different PBN host services. He found that the EBN deindexation rate is by far the lowest of all services.

You can read the case study on his blog »

Why SEO specialists just love Easy Blog Networks

five stars Over 70 five-star reviews
Best PBN service provider out there that actually understands the core requirements for PBNs.
Awesome support and great company to work with.
I’ve been using EBN for over two years. In the time I have been a member all of my PBNs have remained indexed in Google. I would highly recommend this service.

Start taking full advantage of the easiest, 100% autopilot solution for building, hosting, and managing private blog networks.

Start your 7-day free trial today
five stars 94.7% would recommend EBN to a friend (2024 survey)
Host your PBN on the largest cloud hosting companies
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